write about their marriage. When a letter from a happily married TV does appear in print it is usually not believed by the readers or is considered to be fictional. In other words the TV and GG who are happily married don't often come around because they simply do not have a strong motive to do so. They are far too busy living and enjoying their lives.
I personally know of dozens of these people who are just not supposed to exist at all. I have met these people on a purely social basis and not as a counsellor in time of trouble. These "well adjusted TV couples are interested in meeting TV couples with whom they will have other things in common such as social status, careers, etc. Sometimes they are willing to help another couple but usually they are too busy living their lives and going their own ways. TVism isn't the only thing in their lives. They met the problem head on, made adjustments in the marriage concerning the husbands desires and went on to the next problem, facing it together. These men and women are mature adults that realize their love for each other is a beautiful thing but that it doesn't take care of itself without a lot of hard work and honesty on both parts. In most "happy" cases the husband has gained considerable latitude in his femme expressions, including going out on occasion if he so desires or having "her" day around the house in "her" frilly things. The TV wife has learned that her husband must have some time to himself so she sets about to make this possible. This is no big sacrifice on her part but merely a realistic approach to what could be a serious tension problem for them both. After all, getting the children out of the house once a month or putting them to bed early on certain evenings isn't the end of the world and is in fact good for both partners in the marriage. Keeping Daddy happy isn't as difficult as some people seem to think. However the TV husband and father must certainly use his head and not demand special arrangments when they are impossible to provide.